The School Building Advisory Board assists the Massachusetts School Building Authority in the development of "general policy regarding school building construction, renovation, reconstruction, maintenance and facility space, preservation of open space, thoughtful community development, cost management and shall provide technical advice and input to the Authority."
Pursuant to M.G.L. c. 70B § 3A, the following are represented on the Authority's Advisory Board:
- the State Auditor or his/her designee
- the Inspector General or his/her designee
- the Executive Director of the Authority
- the Massachusetts Municipal Association
- the Massachusetts Association of School Committees
- the Massachusetts Mayors Association
- the Massachusetts Association of School Superintendents
- the Massachusetts Association of Regional Schools
- the Massachusetts Building Trades Council
- the Massachusetts chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors
- the Massachusetts Alliance of Small Contractors
- the American Council of Engineering Companies of Massachusetts
- the Associated Subcontractors of Massachusetts
- the American Institute of Architects-Massachusetts
- the Massachusetts Smart Growth Alliance
- the Massachusetts Taxpayers Foundation
- the Associated General Contractors of Massachusetts
- the Massachusetts Teachers Association and Massachusetts Federation of Teachers (acting jointly)