Following the MSBA's review of FY2020 SOIs and subsequent invitations by the Board of Directors, 21 projects in 15 districts (shown below) participate in the Accelerated Repair Program. The projects were approved for invitation at the December 16, 2020 Board of Directors meeting. The Accelerated Repair Program Syllabus for 2020 Invitations has been shared with each District. At the MSBA Board of Directors Meeting held on August 30, 2023, the MSBA presented a cost data comparison summary of construction estimates versus bid amounts received prior to the Board Meeting. As of the December 13, 2024 Board of Directors meeting, 2 of 21 projects have been approved for Final Audit. Please consult each District for additional information.
District | School | Age of Existing Building | Grade | 2018/2019 Enrollment | Existing Square Footage | Invited Scope Recommendation |
Braintree | Highlands Elementary School |
1930 | K-5 | 418 | 42,806 | Roof |
Liberty Elementary School |
1957 | 1-5 | 401 | 34,163 | Roof | |
Cambridge | Cambridgeport School | 1903 | K-5 | 325 | 58,502 | Windows/Doors |
Falmouth | Teaticket Elementary School |
1965 | K-4 | 269 | 49,000 | Roof |
Florida | Abbott Memorial School |
1951 | K-8 | 95 | 24,400 | Windows/Doors |
Haverhill | Haverhill High School | 1962 | 9-12 | 1,832 | 355,000 | Roof-Partial |
Hingham | Plymouth River Elementary School |
1969 | K-5 | 428 | 59,300 | Windows/Doors |
Holyoke | E.N. White Elementary School |
1955 | PK-5 | 437 | 63,965 | Roof |
Lt. Clayre P. Sullivan School |
1960 | K-8 | 508 | 112,000 | Roof | |
Maurice A. Donahue School |
1972 | K-8 | 484 | 70,550 | Roof | |
Lynn | Lynn Vocational Technical Institute |
1971 | PK-12 | 1,451 | 173,937 | Windows/Doors |
New Bedford | Elwyn G. Campbell Elementary School |
1956 | PK-5 | 278 | 46,749 | Windows/Doors; Boiler |
Plymouth | Federal Furnace Elementary School |
1977 | K-5 | 359 | 57,287 | Roof |
Indian Brook Elementary School |
1975 | K-5 | 549 | 57,287 | Roof | |
West Elementary School |
1975 | K-5 | 348 | 54,660 | Roof | |
Revere | Abraham Lincoln School |
1966 | PK-5 | 620 | 87,017 | Windows/Doors |
Beachmont Veterans Memorial School |
1976 | PK-5 | 350 | 117,894 | Boiler | |
Springfield | Springfield High School of Science and Technology | 1953 | 9-12 | 1,245 | 238,746 | Windows/Doors-Partial |
Taunton | Harold H. Galligan School | 1954 | K-4 | 262 | 65,000 | Windows/Doors; Boiler |
Weston | Weston High School | 1960 | 9-12 | 663 | 174,980 | Roof-Partial |
Worcester | Worcester Arts Magnet School | 1961 | PK-6 | 410 | 56,657 | Roof |